Welcome to the Funky Witch Closet Shop!
Here, you will find all kinds of handcrafted tools and adornments specially made for the Trade.
All wood pieces are made with chosen branches for their unique natural style and wood properties.
I give them life by sculpting and adorning them with all kinds of salvaged beads and semi-precious stones, recycled copper wires, broken jewelry and other nature finds.
I have the highest respect for nature, therefore all my work express that concern and I choose every bits and pieces accordingly.
The Closet is a place where you can find as well one-of-a-kind Witches Hats created by me and unique pieces of gently-used clothing, accessories and jewelry.
We, Witches, LOVE dressing the part, don’t we? Well, if you do, you will be in for a treat!!
As we all know, our environment plays a big part in our daily energy. Therefore, we should take special care in choosing all those beautiful items that are surrounding us!
In the Hidden Treasures and the Seasonal Decor section, we have all kind of wonderful and whimsical items, from tiny objects to furniture, which will help you create that magical space you are yearning for yourself.
That said, enjoy your browsing!

Born in Charlevoix, Quebec, youngest from a family of 9, nature and its secrets were revealed early to me. Creativity, craftsmanship and gratitude were highly praised in our clan. I have followed the road chosen for me… passed through many initiations that life laid on my path. From those harsh phases, I have learned that we have to shed our skin many times in order to grow wise.
The secular Witch I am becoming day after day, is positively overwhelming and I am so grateful for my life that I want to contribute in helping other achieving their own magical goals. Make them feel good and confident about their uniqueness and practice.
I have been gifted with many talents and now, I use them to create tools and adornments to enrich the life of my fellow witches and magical friends. I will be delighted to send magic your way as, it is a flowing Universe, after all!

Get in Touch
Freya, our barred owl, is patiently waiting to get news from you.
Comments, questions, specials orders or just a hello, all are welcome! Please, feel free to use our Forum as well!
Looking forward hearing from you.
With harmony and gratitude,
(Dominique Laurent)
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