Hellow fellows! and Welcome to our Cauldron !
I have been conspiring about this day for a long time now, and... Ta dam! It is finally happening! I am launching my own website that include my virtual store and this forum, where, I hope, things will get bubbly! We will share plenty of info and answer a lot of questions regarding all things magic. Get your Book of Shadow ready!

Just 15 years ago, it was considered science fiction to say that mobile phones can be used to start up a car. At that time, mobile phones were some decesion maker email list sort of a luxury and not every person you came across at the street had them, unlike now. The people who could afford mobile phones 15 years ago could use them mainly for making calls and sending and decesion maker email list receiving MS. Mobile phones have since evolved. Now, they are called smartphones and aptly so. Twenty-first century mobile phones are more like the compact decesion maker email list computers. They are mobile and compact, but the latest models can perform the functions of a desktop or laptop computer.
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